1. Contract

A binding contract is only entered upon receipt of a booking. This booking may be either by way of an initial deposit or as a full balance payment. By making a booking you confirm that you have the authority to bind to these terms and conditions.

2. Payment for your retreat

A non-refundable deposit of £100, or full balance, is required at the time of booking. We reserve the right to vary the deposit as appropriate. The balance is due 30 days before the retreat date. If the booking is made less than 30 days before the retreat date, the full amount is due on booking. If any balance remains unpaid, we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled and apply the cancellation charge set out below. Final retreat details will usually be sent out approximately 7 days before the retreat date.

Payment must be in the currency of the invoice and you are responsible for bank charges.

3. Information regarding the retreat

Whilst we make every effort to ensure that the information on our websites and elsewhere is as accurate as possible, details are often published many months before your retreat takes place. We reserve the right to make changes to the website and elsewhere and any information they contain. You will be informed of any material changes. 

We are only responsible for the information contained within our publications and websites. We are specifically not responsible for third-party information contained in any other brochures or websites.

4. Cancellation of your retreat by you.

All cancellations must be made by the person who made the booking. Cancellations are effective on the day that they are received by either Vicki or Tabitha. The following cancellation charges apply:

  1. 90 days or more before the start of the retreat - Loss of deposit paid.

  2. 90 to 60 days before the start of the retreat - 50% of the balance is due. If you have already paid the balance in full. We will refund you the remaining 50%.

  3. 30 days or less - 100% of the balance is due. No refund will be issued.

4. Amendments of cancellations by us

a. Amendments

In the unlikely event of it being necessary for us to make changes to the advertised retreat, we reserve the right to make such changes. In exceptional circumstances, we may have to modify the retreat after booking. If the change is minor we will do our best to notify you in advance but are not obliged to do so and no compensation is payable. If the change is material (for example, a change of dates or to a lower standard of accommodation), we will notify you as soon as practically possible and offer you the choice of (i) accepting the alternative arrangements or (ii) arranging an alternative retreat with us or (iii) cancelling your retreat. In these circumstances, if you opt to cancel your retreat, we will refund you in full.

b. Cancellation by us

Whilst we hope we do not have to cancel the retreat we reserve the right to do so. Should it be necessary to cancel, we will provide a full and prompt refund.

5. Duty of care. 

We reserve the right to cancel a retreat on the grounds of duty of care. In the event of such cancellations being necessary, we will notify you in writing or other electronic means. Such cancellations will be made at our discretion. A full refund of any monies paid will be made. 

6. Prices

All prices advertised or quoted are per person/per room in pounds sterling unless otherwise shown and are subject to change, up or down until the booking is concluded.

7. Exclusion of liabilities

We take care to ensure that all involved in the preparation and supply of our retreats maintain the highest standards. Please remember that the appropriate standards will be those prevalent in the United Kingdom, which may not be the same as developed international standards. Accordingly:

a.  We will pay reasonable compensation if the service supplied to you is not of the standard described or contracted for by you. This compensation will be limited to no more than the retreat price of the person affected.

b.  Our liability to you does not apply; if you are at fault; if the failure is the fault of someone else not connected with providing the services which form part of our retreat contract with you; the failure is due to any unusual or unexpected circumstances beyond our control, which we could not have avoided even if we had used all care possible or the failure is due to any event which we or the supplier of any service could not help, expect or prevent.

c. It is your responsibility to secure all valuable items. Such items include but are not limited to Passports, Visas, travel documentation, money, credit and debit cards, jewellery and electronic goods. We accept no liability for loss or damage to such items, whilst attending the retreat.

d. Except where otherwise expressly stated in our booking conditions we will not be liable nor will you be eligible for price reduction or compensation if our contractual obligations to you are affected by unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the party who seeks to rely on them which we or the supplier(s) of the service(s) in question could not avoid even if all reasonable measures had been taken. These events can include but are not limited to war, the threat of war, civil strife, terrorist activity and its consequences or the threat of such activity, riot, the act of any government or other national or local authority including port or river authorities, pandemics or epidemics, industrial dispute, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, chemical or biological disaster and adverse weather, sea, ice and river conditions and all similar events outside our or the supplier(s) concerned control. Advice from the Foreign Office to avoid or leave a particular country may constitute unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances.

8. Complaints

If you have any complaints about the venue during the holiday please liaise with us straight away to rectify any issues. Any unresolved complaints must be notified to us in writing within 14 days of your return.

9. Passports, Visas and Vaccinations

It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary passports are machine-readable. All passports must have a validity of at least six months from your scheduled return date to the UK. You will generally need clear/clean pages for visas, as required, to be inserted. You must read all documentation that is supplied to you and ensure that all information contained within is correct.

You should also ensure that all necessary visas, international driving licenses, vaccinations and other health documents are in order.

10. Travel Insurance

Your retreat with us does NOT include travel or medical insurance and it is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate insurance cover. Per normal industry practice, we will require you to have adequate travel insurance to provide accident and medical cover before your retreat. Such insurance should ideally be valid from the date of booking, be valid throughout the retreat duration and financially cover any probable loss through cancellation, amendment, accident or health-related problems.

You should ensure you are covered for all activities provided at the retreat.

11. Special Requests

Whilst we will endeavour to comply with any special requests such as diets and room requirements, we can only do so on a “goodwill” basis. We cannot guarantee availability and cannot be held responsible if they are not provided.

12. Excursions and activities

We are only responsible for excursions and activities explicitly led by us and which form part of your retreat contract. We are not responsible for any excursions that you opt to participate in with any third-party provider, including those provided by the host venue.

13. Limitations and exclusions to our responsibilities

In these terms and conditions, our responsibilities and our duty to pay compensation are limited as follows:-

We will not be responsible, or pay you compensation, for any injury, illness, death, loss, damage, expense, cost or any other claim of any description if it results from:-

a. the act(s) and/or omission(s) of the person(s) affected;
b. the act(s) and/or omission(s) of a third party unconnected with the provision of the retreat and which were unforeseeable or unavoidable; or
c. Unavoidable or extraordinary circumstances as defined above.

We will not be responsible to pay compensation:-

a. for services or facilities which do not form part of our agreement. For example, any excursion you book during the retreat weekend or any service or facility which a third party agrees to provide for you.

ii. for any damage, loss, expense or other sum(s) of any description which based on the information given to us by you concerning your arrangements before them being confirmed, we could not have foreseen you would suffer or incur if we breached our contract with you; or that relate to any business.

Any payable compensation will be calculated taking into consideration all relevant factors for example (but not limited to):-

a. whether or not you have followed the complaints and notifications procedure as described in these conditions. It is a condition of our acceptance of liability under this clause that you notify any claim to ourselves strictly in accordance with the complaints procedure set out in these conditions.

b. the extent to which our negligence affected the overall enjoyment of your arrangements.

c. the deduction that we must make to take account of any facilities or commodities you might have used within the period of the retreat. 

14. Jurisdiction

This contract is governed by English Law and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

15. Data Protection Policy

For us to process your booking we need to store and record your information, including data as set out by the General Data Protection Regulation. For further information, refer to our privacy policy.

16. UK foreign office advice on overseas travel

It is now assumed that British citizens are at risk of terrorism, be it in the UK or when travelling overseas. History has shown us these attacks can either be spontaneous or premeditated. For your guidance we suggest you visit the website of the Foreign Office at: www.fco.gov.uk or tel: 020 7821 4090. The website is regularly updated and provides you with country-specific information, including advice on terrorism and general matters on health and safety.

17. Travel arrangement

We do not arrange flights or travel for any of our retreats.

It is your responsibility to make necessary travel arrangements and if required. If travelling from abroad, confirm your flight times with your airline before your outward and return journey.

18. Booking

Your retreat booking will be confirmed upon receipt of:

a. Payment of a deposit. 

b. Receipt of full balance.

In the event of only a deposit payment, your retreat booking should be considered provisional until the full balance of the retreat has been paid and we have received your completed booking form. For further details regarding payment, please refer to; Clause 2: Payment for your retreat.

19. Changes to the terms

We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions without notice.

20. Contact

The quickest way to get in touch with us is via email: info@livinginyoga.co.uk and hathawithvicki@gmail.com